Valve Lubrication Safety Adapters & Tools
W-2 Safety Adapter for WKM style Capped Fittings, comparable to part # 310428 Cam-2 Safety Adapter for OLD style Cameron Ball valve Capped Fittings (Cameron Ball valves built from 1960 to 1980) W-2-SP Safety Adapter for OLD style WKM Gate valves, (not pictured) fits most WKM Gate valves mfg. prior to 1956 PR-12 Pressure Releasing Tool: fits most Gate valves & Ball valves built after 1956 (both API-6A and API-6D) PR-12-10 Pressure Releasing Tool rated up to 10,000 psi (pictured below) PB-1 Piggy Back Fitting B-12 Bleeder Fittings: Available in 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", 3/4" and 1" NPT
Note: for 316 SS simply add -SS to the part no. Example: B-12-SS, etc.Mc-1 McEvoy Body Adapter. NOTE: McEvoy Seats can be Lubricated with our W-2 Safety Adapter PA-20 Packing Adapter for WKM Gate & Ball valves: fits Most Packing Injectors mfg. after 1956 2-GBC Giant Button Head Coupler: Standard on our MELANCON Model # 14 Hydraulic Gun
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